In this season of celebration and reflection, as we gather to give thanks for our blessings, it's also a moment to acknowledge the positive strides made as a nation. In several significant areas, our leaders have come together across political divides to bring about real changes that will impact the daily lives of millions of Americans. Each of these victories offer true moments relief, hope, and joy for real people we encounter every day.

Compassion in Healthcare: All across our country, Americans can better afford life-saving medication thanks to changes that now allow Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug costs. The price of insulin is now also capped for seniors at $35 per month.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill: This groundbreaking legislation is more than just a political win; it's a foundation for a stronger future. With a focus on rebuilding and enhancing our nation's infrastructure, it promises safer roads, cleaner water, and a more resilient energy system. It’s a gift that will ensure that we can be good stewards of God's creation for generations to come.
Bipartisan Semiconductor Manufacturing Bill: The tech sector has received a significant boost thanks to the CHIPS Act, adding jobs and strengthening the economy thanks to this bill. It's a move that ensures the holidays are brighter for countless families benefiting from the new employment opportunities and bolsters America’s position in global technology.
Major Gun Violence Prevention Legislation:The passage of this legislation marks the first monumental step in 30 years towards safety and peace. This holiday, we can be thankful for the efforts to curb gun violence, making our communities safer places to celebrate the season and live our lives.
The Inflation Reduction Act: In addition to having provisions that led to lower prescription drug costs, the IRA offers tax credits for clean energy upgrades and electric vehicles, while enforcing a fair tax system with a minimum corporate tax and better tax enforcement, promising overall economic and health benefits for Americans.
These changes reflect a powerful shift towards a society that cares for its people's health, safety, and prosperity. As we gather around our holiday tables, let us be thankful for the strides made towards a brighter future for all.